Tesla’s Plight…

They Brought Silence To Him In The Worst Way   I talked about the infamous Nikola Tesla a long while back it was about the inventions that he had created (he is most notably known for his discovery of the “AC” electric current), but many people didn’t really know what else that Tesla had invented. […]

Inside The Ring On Al Qaeda’s Terriorist Plot Attack..

al Qaeda Is At It Again…   Well the buzz now about al Qaeda is that they are aiming to construct a plot to orchestrate an attack plan against the western regions and the U.S.   This all had started when a posting that appeared on the Ansar al Mujahidin network yesterday.   There was […]

“The Illuminati Project”

“Society Is Left Blinded”   People have been hearing more and more about the “Illuminati”, and they have been linked to a lot of controversial rumors about what they are really all about.   So I was surfing through the net, and came across a video with Prince in it talking about ideas of a […]

German Particle Beam: Tesla Death Ray (scalar weapons)

Tesla Death Ray? (Scalar Weapons)..   The world today is becoming highly advanced in the fields of technology, and at a quickening pace it seems.. Weapons of war and mass destruction have now been more exposed than it was back then, and it ‘s harder for the government to deny and say that everything that […]